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TransAtlantic Day 2: Destroy My Bathroom To Fix The Light Bulb

It's weird. The temps are actually warming as we nudge off the African coast and head West. Not sure why it’s bucking the whole north=cold, south=warm thing. I’m SO not complaining though, having gone from fuzzy jams and long sleeves to bathing trunks and a Soggy Dollar t-shirt. Where’s my pain killer?!?!

The winds are perfect, at 15-18 kts from our stern quarter. We have the ginny poled out to starboard and every inch of our main out to port. This is toally a set-it-and-forget-it sail for the next 1816 miles!

Fortunately (sarcasm alert), the dang tri-light on top of the mast which we turn on at night to make ourselves visible to others so we won’t get plowed over by passing Russian tankers or whatever … no longer works.


We’re pretty sure it’s not the bulb, but instead we think that the stupid switch in the cockpit has failed. Why oh why didn’t we get the smart switch?!

Anyway, to fix it we have to destroy the bathroom, pull down the ceiling, the trim, and even the friggin mirror on the wall. Then Dottie with her tiny nano-fingers can reach up into the wee access hole behind that panel and fix the switch.

I have chubby fingers, so I’m on bathroom demolition and reconstruction. And yeah it’s a time suck, but we're in the middle of the ocean. What else are we going to do?

Tales of a Galley Slave

Leftover chicken became a delicious chicken salad for lunch (mayo, mustard, tarragon, curry). The bread from Mindelo is still great so we had open face sandwichettes.

Dinner was a seared pork loin w ancho chili plum sauce (ancho gives it smokiness, sweetness from the plums, but it needed more heat so in went the chili flakes, and the sauce itself whispered to me that it needed allspice … who am I to argue when the sauce speaks, lol).

Also singed baby red potatoes, and a super fresh Greek salad consisting of all the things we were pretty sure would rot first in the fridge.
