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Day4 The Cockpit Gym and Winging It In The Galley

With 1609 miles to go, we are about a quarter of the way through now. All tasks have been done, winds are really light and the seas low.

But Dottie and I are both people who need to stay busy, so on this long passage with a sail plan that needs zero tending, being active can be challenging. There are only so many times I can go back to check on Pinky the Lure.

“You okay back there baby? Catch me a fish now, you hear?!”

So we have developed what amounts to a workout that can be done in the cockpit, over seen by cockpit manager Mojo the Camel (see pic as Mojo mugs for the camera).

Of course there’s no way that any of us are going to want any others witnessing these little routines, so we do them on night watch. It’s perfect!

Nights have been stunning by the way, with clear skies and a tardy moonrise that lets the stars shine so brightly and the milky way smudge its stars across the dome above.

Situps are done on the bench seats with one hand on the wench and the other on the cockpit table just to reduced the chances of rolling off into the floor during a swell, ever so gracefully I’m sure.

Pushups are done with knees on one bench and hands on the other side. Yes, I do know that these are technically “girl” pushups, but when Amari wallows side to side on following swells, even these pushups can be tough!

Squats on the bench, and curls using bungee cords round out the little routine. With all the sitting you end up doing and only 46 feet to work with, this is about as good as we could do.

We’ll stick with it for these two week and see how we feel afterwards.

Fishing Update

I guess Pinky The Lure took today to get her sea legs because no fish even gave her a look. I guess Greenie had also taken her first day and a half before landing Mr. Mahi, so I’ll give Pinky another day to bring those Tuna home.

I was hoping yesterday would be Sushi Sunday, but maybe we’ll just have to settle for Maki Monday, go Pinky!!

Tales of a Galley Slave

Egg on toast for brekky. Lunch was turkey and cheese sandwiches with tomato over almost the last part of the 2nd of three loaves we scored from that bakery in Mindelo. Only one loaf to go and we are only 4 days in! Desperate times my friends, desperate times.

Sausages were supposed to be featured yesterday, by Mahi Mayhem ensued, so. We struggled with what to serve with them, mentally going through the ETTR (Estimated Time To Rot) for the veg and thought maybe the tomatoes?? Maybe a red bell pepper should go too??

But meh … saute this, saute that, blah blah blah booorriiiing. Nothing sounded good. And then a moment of inspiration like radiant sunbeams from the heavens shown upon my wife …

Dottie: What if we have some beans with it?

Me [nodding, wheels turning now]: mmm, white beans I’m thinking.

Dottie: oohh how about we cook the sausages IN the beans?

Me [suddenly all perky with pork and bean anticipation]: and, and, and we could throw the tomatoes in there for the sauce!

Dottie [keeping her head about her of course]: That’s a cassoulet you know.

Me: YEAH it is!

Dottie: Do you have a recipe for that?

Me: Sure it’s on the internet … [reality finally dawns] wait we can’t consult Google. No cooking sites, no New York Times recipes, no random stealing of others' hard work. We’re lost in the wilderness!!

So we just winged it, w sausage medallions, threw in some “veg on the edge”, garlic, and spiced it all up w cumin, paprika, salt, pepper, and harissa for heat. Served over couscous right up in the cockpit gym.

It wasn’t awful. 😊