Hello from Amari

I want to see and feel and hope and dream every day. For all those aspirations, Amari is the means and the end, the process and the product that allows me and my wife Dottie to go on this amazing adventure.

Of the many things I am grateful for, being able to share this with you is high on that list.

Through this site, I hope you see that we are pulled forward by food, fun, and friends … laughter, love, and light. Through this site and these posts I want to share what we’re doing, and we both hope you will share back with us!

In the end, my wish is for you to be inspired to explore new things in your own life. Feel free to leave a comment or follow me on social media.



Our Travels


Norther Ireland

We knew it would be different. We even knew it would be something special. We just never thought it would change our lives.


The authenticity of this ancient culture, even today, is something that you cannot get anywhere else. There is nothing else like this.

The Sahara

Dunes of amber dust, piled in pyramids rippled by the winds are stark, beautiful, and there is absolutely nothing like them.