Day 1 And They're Off!

So exciting today, with everyone so torqued to get off the dock and get started, like the first day of school but for sailors.

It’s a new adventure with a new crew, and also the ability to give their liver a break from all of the sundowner get-togethers that we were oh so forced to attend, like some Abstainers Anonymous 12 step program.

But now we are off, and our livers shall heal over the next 15 days to St. Lucia, depending on what winds Poseidon decides to send out way.


Do you see this ridiculous picture? It looks like some kind of scene from Star Wars, Escape From Las Palmas, but is actually what we see when we are exiting. All the triangles are boats, and the red triangles are boats we could realistically run into, so be careful there Popeye!

Right now all prognostications are positive and our weather routing partner, Vikings of the Caribbean, is telling us that we have only doldrums to worry about. Thank you ViCa!!

Our seas are from astern, so it’s a bit rolly from behind, so we put our anti-nausea meds in a Pez dispenser so we can dose up early and often. So far on day 1, everyone is doing well, knock on gel coat.

Tales of a Galley Slave

Dinner tonight is leftover Cachupa, the national dish of Cape Verde. I was so very blessed to be invited into the home/restaurant of a local family in Mendello, Sao Vicente to to have her show me what her grandmother showed her. It’s part of a cultural continuum that is amazing to be part of.


I recorded the whole process on video and will share this Unwritten Recipe once I cull all the parts into a coherent story.

But we all had this dish (shown here at their table, and let me tell you there was ample audible groaning all around. So this afternoon on Amari I said, yo guys I’m so heating up that Cachupa for dinner, and 5 microseconds later Dottie and Barb were nodding and yessing.

That was easy. As with most good soups and stews, it was actually better for the second serving.

Okay my friends, I’ll let you know how it goes, and hopefully Poseidon or whoever is going to keep these winds fair and the seas following for the next 15 days!


TransAtlantic Day 2: Destroy My Bathroom To Fix The Light Bulb


Africa Slips To Stern