Back in Spain. Now What?


Good morning Spain. So good to have my long pants OFF and the sunshine ON! Of course, the smoked salmon and tomato over fresh crunchy bread and espresso isn't so bad either!

Pictured here is a perfect blue against a Spanish olive green. What a contrast for the welcome back. But now what?

Actually? I'm looking forward to a few days here in the marina in Denia for work, focused on our new mindfulness program we are developing, our NEW APP that is coming soon, and oddly grateful to return to my daily drudgery of security docs, policy updates, and other pedestrian duties that I am fortunate enough to still be able to fulfill.

After the next few days though, we are off on Saturday to the Ballerics where we will hang for a few weeks.

Is this just me getting old? I'm so looking forward to hanging in one spot and not moving around all the time!

So next will be Ibiza, Mallorca, and Minorca, a visit from some very dear friends, and a promise to post articles from the UK diversion.

#Love to you. Talk to you soon.




Leaving Ireland