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Tales of a Galley Slave

You can eat crappy boxed, canned, lifeless garbage food at sea, but why would you? You’re not a racoon.

I attended a “cooking at sea” seminar before we took our first long passage and was stoked. We were about to get a crash course in legit food prep at sea. I snugged into my seat, did hand stretching bc I was about to write all this mess down. Can’t wait!

Simple food on board Amari.

Their guy for this seminar was awful. He told us we should have some canned meat, like spam or those little sausages. Who EATS those?? Then, because this little educational nugget was not nearly over, I also learned that I need to stock up on those snack nut bars. My hand calisthenics were wasted on this guy.

Then he asked the group what kinds of things they do in their galley, and there was zero chance I was going to raise my hand and talk about what I do. Like none. While he was washing back potted meat with Hawaiian Punch swill, I had just the week before made sun dried tomatoes w a vodka cream sauce, cinnamon pumpkin soup, and some kind of sesame soy salmon w risotto. If I had said any of that, they’d be like, “who’s the dick?”

So I wanted to do better by anyone who likes cooking, or wants to like cooking, or wants someone they know to like cooking so they can eat it. And I actually like making the food, so in the next few posts I’ll talk about essentials for surviving as the designated galley slave at sea.