
There are no two things on this earth more alike and dissimilar than the ocean and the desert.

From arid to fluid, the differences are obvious, stark, and as elemental as they are elementary. But both show you just how small and fragile are our lives, whether lost in a sea of sand or foam. Their endless horizons confirm how tiny your speck really is on this planet.

The Ocean and The Desert

Nature paints in themes, repeated across the most unlikely of circumstances. For example …

Desert dunes are wind driven swells that ripple fluid patterns over miles. You cannot look at these massive rogue waves of amber sand and not see the fluid dynamics at play.

Also, like the desert the salty brine offers nary a drop to drink. So wet. So arid. This is the oceanic irony of the sea.

Ocean and desert ... Love seeing the sameness across their vast differences.


Sao Vicente, Cape Verde


Tactical Briefing: Las Palmas to Cape Verde